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Who are we?


The Alliance for Housing of Oakland County, formerly the Oakland County Taskforce on Homelessness and Affordable Housing (OCTHAH),  is the Continuum of Care (CoC) for Oakland County.  We are a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization that is a diverse, collaborative group of partners and individuals all working toward a common goal to end homelessness and increase affordable housing opportunities in Oakland County.


The Alliance is made up of a number of organizations from the private and public sectors, and includes entities such as emergency shelters, warming centers, providers of health services including mental health services, providers of services to people with developmental disabilities, for-profit and nonprofit developers of affordable housing, administrators of supportive housing programs, municipalities, governmental agencies, faith-based service providers and more.


To support housing solutions by promoting community partnerships.


  • To establish a collective response that addresses homelessness and affordable housing in our community.

  • To develop a local system that identifies gaps in homeless services and creates solutions to overcome those barriers.

  • To end homelessness in our community by linking people in need with the services they require.

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