Alliance for Housing
Oakland County Michigan's Continuum of Care
The Alliance for Housing Committees
Strategic Planning, Funding & Advocacy Committee
Jenny Poma
​ The Strategic Planning, Funding & Advocacy committee (SPFAC) will serve to set goals and actions steps to move the adopted Alliance for Housing strategic plan forward. The committee will create and complete planning documents; research and apply for funding opportunities; and attract and create new partnerships to advance Oakland County’s goal of ending homelessness. This committee will focus on Advocacy and Public Awareness to provide a platform for current political and legislative issues, along with promoting the Alliance as a resource for the effective engagement of public and political entities. It will serve as a platform for Public Relations so that the Alliance will be able to manage information provided to our community. Members of this committee may participate in one or more of that three areas depending on their interests.
The Data Management and Performance Outcomes Committee
Kirsten Elliott
The Data Management and Performance Outcomes Committee shall promote the quality of community funded and non-funded projects by reviewing data and coordinated policies and procedures in order to recommend best practices. This committee will focus on opportunities for growth and development in community outcomes while reviewing HMIS and other data sources to identify trends and gaps in services to address community needs. It will provide information and guidance to the Alliance HMIS System Administrators to follow up with agency admin staff and provide additional HMIS training.
Finance and Audit Committee
Anne Harpe
The Finance and Audit Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and consist of only board members. The Treasurer will create a review and bring the annual budget created by the Executive director to the full board for approval. The Treasurer will oversee monthly and annual financial receipts and disbursements in accordance with the budget, and enact annual audits on the books and accounts of the Organization. This committee will make a recommendation to the full board of the selection of and auditor, will review the interim annual statements as well as the audited statements then bring a recommendation to the full board for approval.
Systems Coordination and Implementation
Leah McCall
Systems Coordination and Implementation develops resources, workgroups and processes to implement community strategies, provide member agencies with access to technical assistance/training, and establish best practices, referrals and other tools to increase the Organization’s effectiveness in the community. The Centralized Registry, Veteran By Name list and Affordable Housing workgroup are part of System Coordination and Implementation.