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Oakland County Regional Housing Partnership

Forward Planning for Future Generations

34 Organizations. 5 Years. One Blueprint

The Oakland County Regional Housing Partnership (OCHRHP) is one of 15 dedicated coalitions across the state of Michigan tasked with planning and enacting Michigan's First-Ever Statewide Housing Plan. This broad-reaching plan is our state's largest and most coordinated effort to date to ensure every resident has access to safe, quality, attainable housing.

More than 7,000 residents have initially contributed to the plan.
Hundreds more in your backyard are now working to bring it to life.

There is no municipality, country, or state that has not been touched by the growing gap between the number of residents who live in the United State, the number of housing units which exist, and their price tag.

From extremely low income to the moderate and evaporating middle class, young families to seniors - Over whelming data continues to show that the gap is growing


  • 38% of Michigan households struggle to afford basic necessities (housing, child care, food, medical equipment and supplies, etc.) due to stagnating wages and increased cost of living.

  • 26% of Michigan’s residents (and 48% of renters) are housing cost-burdened, meaning they spend more than 30% of their income on housing.

  • In 49 of Michigan’s 83 counties, residents spend more than 57% of their income on housing and transportation.

Data Pertaining to Renter & Owner Cost Bundren

Sources: Michigan Statewide Housing Plan & Michigan Housing Data Portal


In Oakland County, which had a larger GDP than 14 total states in 2021, the idea of a housing gap may come as a surprise to some. The OCRHP is not only committed to increasing our area’s housing stock, but also addressing and rectifying historic housing inequities.

The rate of homeownership decreased -2.5% in Oakland County from 2011 to 2021, compared to -1.8% statewide. For Black households, homeownership rates are 36.5% less than white households.

In Oakland County, households that make over $150,000 have a homeownership rate of 91%.

In Oakland County, households that make between $35,000 and $50,000 have a homeownership rate of 61%, a ten-year decrease from 66% in 2011

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Source: Michigan Housing Data Portal

Nearly half, 40%, of renters in Oakland County were rent burdened in 2021, meaning those households spend more than 30% of their gross income on housing. Of those renters, senior households and single-parent households stand apart, with 60% and 62% respectively, paying a third or more of their income to rent.

In 2021, the rent affordable to the median earning renter in Oakland County was $1,288. In comparison, the median rent was $1,440.

In Oakland County, there were 52,767 renter households earning at or below $35,000 in 2021. In comparison, there were 35,925 units that had rents affordable to households earning at or below $35,000 (less than $750).

Between 2016 to 2021, the number of units with rents below $600 and between $600-$800 changed by -32.2% and -51.2% respectively

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Source: Michigan Housing Data Portal

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Following the release of the Statewide Housing Plan in September 2022, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority delegated 15 regions across the state. Each region has formed its own Regional Housing Partnership, consisting of experts and stakeholders from a diverse number of industries that interact with housing.

The Statewide Housing Plan in full consists of eight priority areas, formed from 37 goals and 134 strategies to accomplish them. Those priority areas are:
- Equity and Racial Justice
- Housing Ecosystem
- Preventing and Ending Homelessness
- Housing Stock

- Older Adult Housing
- Rental Housing
- Homeownership
- Communications and Education


The OCRHP represents Region L in Michigan. Three priority areas were selected for Region L: Preventing and Ending Homelessness, Housing Stock, Communications and Education. These priorities were chosen based on the needs of Oakland County residents and households.


Each priority area has its own corresponding work group. These working committees represent the backbone of the Michigan Statewide Housing Plan, working on the ground level in their communities to create data-driven Action Plans. Regions are led by steering committees, which report and work closely with the state to move the plan forward across counties.

Statewide Housing Targets

The targets outlined below will guide the mission of Regional Housing Partnerships throughout the state.

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Transparency and public input are paramount to the success of the Michigan Statewide Housing Plan. We’re here to keep you informed of what our committees are working on as the OCRHP begins its work in Year 1. Find out more about each individual committee below. More information will be made available in the coming months as each committee advances through their initial planning.

Here is what we are working on in Oakland County

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Check out our action plan!

Additionally, please check out this document that outlines state and federal funding programs


The following articles are part of a series that highlight the challenges and solutions around housing in Southeast Michigan and are made possible through underwriting support from the Oakland County (Region L) Regional Housing Partnership:


Oakland County's housing affordability problem is growing. How can we solve it?

  • Leaders in the government, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors are coming together to make housing more attainable for all county residents.

Housing can help solve economic, health, and educational challenges in Oakland County

  • An adequate supply of affordable housing can cause many positive social ripple effects, both for the individuals being housed and the communities surrounding them.

Oakland County is in "denial" about homelessness. What can be done?

  • Despite Oakland County's reputation for prosperity, homelessness is far more common in the county than many residents might expect.

How does affordable housing get built in Oakland County?

  • The process of building new housing with affordable rents is often long and complex. We dug into it with several local experts.


If you have questions, suggestions or feedback about the Oakland County Regional Partnership, contact us at:

OCRHP Project Management

Jacob Willson, Pontiac Community Foundation:


Preventing & Ending Homelessness Workgroup

Leah McCall, Alliance for Housing:

Rachel Densmore, Oakland Community Health Network:


Communication & Education Workgroup

Kirsten Elliott, Community Housing Network:

Natalie Broda, Pontiac Housing Commission:


Housing Stock Workgroup

Alex Haddad, Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors:

Vern Gustafsson, Pontiac Housing Commission:

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